.INFO is the Internet's first unrestricted top-level domain since .COM and it is currently being used by millions of Internet users. Anyone can register .INFO domain names — and there are still many great names available!
.INFO is the first truly global domain.
The word INFO immediately connotes INFORMATION -- people all over the planet understand it immediately.
.INFO is available without restriction and can be used for all kinds of sites, by all kinds of people, organizations causes, etc—anyone who needs to find or provide information.
.INFO domains are Fast, Reliable and Secure: .INFO is supported by Afilias, which provides superior technology support. Further, .INFO is an ICANN approved domain.
Since .INFO enables you to protect your business online, a domain with .INFO makes your web address unique and easy to memorize. A .INFO extension is doing much more, helping you reach and communicate with the audience in the world.