Dodałeś do koszyka 1 element:
  • Domena dupa.com129 PLN
Masz 3 elementy w koszyku:
  • Hosting Orion dupa129 PLN
  • Domena dupa.pl5,99 PLN
  • Domena,99 PLN
  • Suma145,76 PLN
  • VAT 35,76 PLN
  • brutto 187,76 PLN


Informacje o domenie .jp

Domena .jp
Ceny rejestracji
12 m-cy
Ceny odnowień
12 m-cy
Minimalny okres rejestracji
12 miesięcy
Maksymalny okres rejestracji
12 miesięcy
Minimalny okres odnowienia
12 miesięcy
Maksymalny okres odnowienia
12 miesięcy
Minimalna długość nazwy domeny
3 znaków
Maksymalna długość nazwy domeny
63 znaków
Dozwolone liczby na początku nazwy domeny
Dozwolone liczby na końcu nazwy domeny
Dozwolone liczby w środku nazwy domeny
Dozwolone myślniki na początku nazwy domeny
Dozwolone myślniki na końcu nazwy domeny
Dozwolone myślniki w środku nazwy domeny
Dozwolona rezerwacja domeny
Możliwość zarejestrowania opcji
.jp is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Japan. It is administered by the Japan Registry Service.
At the establishment of the .jp domain the domain was administered by the JPNIC, as part of their role as an overseeing technical body for the Internet in Japan. However, due to the growing importance and size of the .jp registry, it was decided at the 11th General Meeting of JPNIC in December 2000 to create a new corporation that would manage the .jp domain. Thus, the Japan Registry Service was created, and on June 30, 2003, officially assumed the duties of the .jp registry.
Since .JP enables you to protect your business online, a domain with .JP makes your web address unique and easy to memorize. A .JP extension is doing much more, helping you reach and communicate with the audience in Japan.
Ograniczenia rejestracji
All companies and private users can register the domain name .jp
If you don't have a local address, Eurodns' Japanese partner will become your local contact for free. Please note however that this service does NOT cover costs legal, administrative or otherwise, that EuroDNS may have to incur through your use of this trustee Service and that will remain at your charge at all time and be invoiced to you at EuroDNS' sole discretion. EuroDNS reserve the right to cancel this .JP domain immediately, should any of the terms and conditions in relation to this TLD be breached.
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