This domain was originally launched in June in June 2004 with registations restricted to lawyers, accountants physicians and engineers in France, Canadan Germany, UK et the US.
Today, .PRO is open to all professionals and licensed business owners in any country, Business license owners are also eligible. The self-certified professional data, provided by the registrant, is verified against an appropriate licensing or accreditation database. You must be a licensed business professional or business entity to register a .pro domain name. You must be able to provide evidence of your license including:
Your date of birth
Your profession
Your licensing authority
Your license number
Your licensing country
The .PRO domain name presents a great opportunity for local and international companies wanting to represent their business in World.
By registering a .PRO domain name, your company can provide relevant and localised information about your product and services.
Local domain names such as .PRO for World give your company a professional image, which demonstrates proof of your commitment to local customers. By targeting the local World market, you can maximise your company's revenues.
Business use by qualified professionals