com.cy is a country-specific Internet Domain (ccTLD) from Cyprus.
Cyprus, officially the Republic of Cyprus is a Eurasian island country in the Eastern Mediterranean, south of Turkey and west of Syria and Lebanon. It is the third largest island country in the Mediterranean Sea and one of its most popular tourist destinations.
Within .com.cy the term .com is the abbreviation for "commercial".
Thus this domain is especially fitting for tradesmen and other commercial entities related to Cyprus.
Commercial entities in Cyprus
Ograniczenia rejestracji
You must have completed the 18th year of age at the time of the application for registration and be a permanent residence of Cyprus.
In case you are a legal person your Registered office must be in Cyprus.
One Domain Name will be allowed per Registrant who is a natural person.
Ten (10) Domain Name allocations will be allowed per Registrant who is a legal person.